Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Representative

So, I'm at the beach again this morning. It's beautiful out here. It's about 7:15am. I'm admiring the life guards doing their drills. Watching the plow rake the sand and all the treasure hunters with their medal detectors (they are funny)...and then I saw him. The only other Black person as far as the eye could see.

He's sitting on the bench facing the new sun and he's knocked out....cold. His head is doing the "Amen". He looks like a Japanese man at the start of a business meeting (bow, stand, bow, stand). He was doing (what we call in the aviation community) touch and go's. This is when an aircraft comes in for an approach but doesn't land. Instead their wheels touch the runway and they take back off. Okay, I'm getting off track...anyway...His body was propped up on the bench and his head would fly back so hard. All I could imagine was: if his head makes contact with that bench post, he will have a concussion.

At this time I'm staring at him and giggling to myself. This is usually what I do when I'm sleepy and in some kind of lecture setting. I find the other sleepy person and laugh at them (try it). Then my focus on him panned out. I start to notice everyone passing him and staring. That's when I started writing.

This situation went from funny to embarrassing. Why did I feel that he represents me and the entire African American race? Do other black people feel represented when that 1 black person does something stupid? Should we feel represented by that one person? Does that person actually represent us? Do you feel like a representative when you are one of the few black people in a crowd? Are you instantly on your best behavior? Do other races feel the same when they are alone in a group? All these questions started flooding my head. Then it got worse.

Around 7:45 (yes, 45 minutes later) a dang marathon started on that very boardwalk. At exactly 8:15am, he woke up and looked at all the marathoners. Three minutes later, his chin was touching his chest. I wanted to pick up that bench ( running past in Speedo) and throw it in the ocean. He'd probably just flip over, like a buoy, and fall back to sleep.

Oh and don't give me that 'maybe he has a medical condition’ mess. Too many times people use that as an excuse for laziness. Every fat person does not have a thyroid problem and every sleeping person is not narcoleptic.

It's 8:30 and I'm still out here. Imagine how much fat he could've burned if he was walking instead of sleeping. 9:15, he's still out here and still asleep. I can only imagine how loud he's snoring. He probably sounds like your neighbors lawn mower at 4am, the morning after you went to the loud as a chainsaw at a funeral. Ewww, and he's sweating like a hotdog on the grill. Maybe I can borrow one of the lifeguard’s bullhorns and yell "WAKE UP" like at the end of the movie "School Daze". Nah, probably wouldn't work. Well, it's 10am. I feel compelled to be extra productive to make up for "The Representative".

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Beware of "The Lazy Dater"

I was at the beach this morning around 7am, people watching…enjoying the weather and view. I saw the avid runners …those people that get up at the crack of dawn every morning and run or cycle. I also noticed the elderly couples riding and roller blading together. This sight made my heart smile…but it was the father and son running together that inspired this blog. These male role models were out riding bikes and running with their sons at 7:30 am.

The bible says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6. But it starts before that. We have to make wise choices when we decide who we commit to and have children with. Are you dating someone who only wants to “chill”? They never have plans or take the initiative to do anything? Their idea of a special night is watching a DVD on the couch in the living room instead of in bed?

This lack of enthusiasm is usually a foreshadow of your future. Do you really think a person that plays video games, watches all fashion shows, and home shopping network is going to become more active when you have childern? I don’t have children, but it is not my understanding that they give you energy.

Robert Kiyosaki wrote a book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. Now, I’m not hating on the brothers, but …here we go…"Active Dad, Lazy Dad".
  • Active Dad: gets up and takes the baby to the park. Although, the baby still doesn’t sleep through the night, he plans a full day anyway. He’s used to being up and out, so now he takes his child.
  • Lazy Dad: He’s used to sleeping in ‘til noon on his off day. So, now when his baby wakes up, he gives him some food, turns on the TV, and goes back to sleep.
Now, some parents just rolled their eyes, called me a name and/or said how would she know? You’re right, I don’t know. I’m just at the beach...observing the Mom and Dad jogging while pushing the stroller; the daughter racing her mom; the couple riding the couple’s bike together. Now, I’m not saying to dump your Boo and find a triathlete. Hopefully, this blog will spark a conversation. You can talk to your mate about the crazy blog you read today and get their opinion. I’m a 70’s baby. As a child, my motivation to do homework was being allowed to go outside and play. We came home smelling like outside: a combination of sweat, grass, dirt, candy, and car exhaust. I’m not mad at the kids of today. I would’ve wanted to play video games all day if I had a PS3 or Wii instead of the Atari. Although, looking back, my mom had my weekends planned out with music and dance classes. These are just my thoughts. I refuse to entertain the “Lazy Dater”.